
Multi-Path Input/Output (MPIO)
1. It provide a fault toerance and reliability
2. It also increase a 30~40% in performance
3. It is recommend to use different subnet for MPIO
4. We need to install MPIO feature on iSCSI initiator server

Lab information


Install and setup MPIO feature via PowerShell
1. We need to reboot server after the feature installation

2. We need to reboot server after enable automatic claiming of all iSCSI volumes

Connection iSCSI target with MPIO at ST01 via PowerShell
1. Create connection to iSCSI Target Portal

Connection iSCSI target with MPIO at ST02 via GUI
1. Open “Server Manager”
2. Click “Tools” > Select “iSCSI Initiator”

3. Select “Discovery” tab > Click “Discover Portal…”
4. Enter “” in “IP address or DNS name:” > Click “OK”

5. Select “Targets” tab > Select “” > Click “Connect” to open “Connect To Target” box

6. In “Connect To Target” box > Click “Enable multi-path” > Click “Advanced…” to open “Advanced Setting” box
8. In “Advanced Settings” box > Select “Microsoft iSCSI Initiator” in “Local adapter:”
9. In “Advanced Settings” box > Select “” in “Initiator IP:”
10. In “Advanced Settings” box > Select “” in “Target portal IP:” Click “OK” to close “Advanced Settings” box
11. In “Connect To Target” box > Click “OK” to close “Connect To Target” box

12. Click “Connect” again to open “Connect To Target” box

13. In “Connect To Target” box > Click “Enable multi-path” > Click “Advanced…” to open “Advanced Setting” box
14. In “Advanced Settings” box > Select “Microsoft iSCSI Initiator” in “Local adapter:”
15. In “Advanced Settings” box > Select “” in “Initiator IP:”
16. In “Advanced Settings” box > Select “” in “Target portal IP:” Click “OK” to close “Advanced Settings” box
17. In “Connect To Target” box > Click “OK” to close “Connect To Target” box

Verify MPIO
1. Open command prompt with administrator right

Author: Joe Chan

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