iSCSI in windows


Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
1. It use TCP/IP port 860 and 3260 to communicate
2. It is used for 2 PC exchange SCSI commands over a TCP/IP
3. It is highly recommand to operate on a dedicated network or subnet

iSCSI Initiator
1. It work as a client
2. It is a device which request storage
3. It is 2 type of initiator: Software initiator, Hardware initiator
4. Windows Server uses a software initiator

iSCSI Target
1. It work as a Server
2. It is a device which provide storage

Lab information


Preparation for Disk via GUI
1. Press “Windows + R key” to open “Run” box
2. Enter “compmgmt.msc” in “Run” box to open “Computer Management”
3. Select “Disk Management” which is under “Storage”
4. Right-Click disk name > click “Online”
5. Right-Click disk name > click “Initialize Disk” > Use default setting > click “OK”
6. Right-Click the empty Unallocated partition > click “New Simple Volume…”

Preparation for Disk via PowerShell

Install iSCSI Target feature in ST00

Create iSCSI target via GUI in ST00
1. Open “Server Manager”
2. Select “File and Storage Services” > select “iSCSI”
3. Select “TASKS” in “iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS” > select “New iSCSI Virtual Disk…”
4. In “iSCSI Virtual Disk Location”, Select “Select by volume:” > Click “F:” > Click “Next”
5. In “iSCSI Vritual Disk Name”, Enter “TESTING1” in “Name:” > Click “Next”
6. In “Specify iSCSI virtual disk size”, Enter “4” > Click “Next”
7. In “iSCSI Target”, Select “New iSCSI target” > Click “Next”
8. In “Target Name and Access” > Enter “TARGET1” in “Name:” > Click “Next”
9. In “Access Servers”, Click “Add…”
10. In “Add initiator ID”, Select “Enter a value for the selected type” > select “IP Address” in “Type:” > Enter “” in “Values:” > Click “OK” to close “Add Initiator ID”
11. In “Access Servers”, Click “Add…”
12. In “Add initiator ID”, Select “Enter a value for the selected type” > select “IP Address” in “Type:” > Enter “” in “Values:” > Click “OK” to close “Add Initiator ID”
13. In “Enable authentication”, Does not select anything > Click “Next”
14. In “Confirmation”, Click “Create”

Create iSCSI target via PowerShell in ST00

Link to iSCSI connection via GUI in ST01
By default, Microsoft iSCSI server is stop.
After you first time start iSCSI Initiator, It will change to automatic start.
or you can use the following powershell to change it to automatic start.

1. Open “Server Manager”
2. Click “Tools” > Select “iSCSI Initiator”
3. Select “Discovery” tab > Click “Discover Portal…”
4. Enter “” in “IP address or DNS name:” > Click “OK”
5. Select “Targets” tab > Select “” > Click “Connect”
6. Select “Targets” tab > Select “” > Click “Connect”
7. Select “Volumes and Devices” tab > Click “Auto Configure”
8. Open “Computer Manager” > Select “Disk Management”
9. Right-Click disk name > click “Online”
10. Right-Click disk name > click “Initialize Disk” > Use default setting > click “OK”
11. Right-Click the empty Unallocated partition > click “New Simple Volume…”

Link to iSCSI connection via Powershell in ST02

Author: Joe Chan

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