High Availability MSSQL


Lab Information

iSCSI Target Server Cluster1. It provide highly available on iSCSI Target
2. It is based on Failover Cluster

Before we create iSCSI Target Server Cluster, we need to
1. configure ST00 as iSCSI – iSCSI in Windows
2. create Cluster (CST) with 2 nodes (ST01,ST02) — Failover Cluster
3. connect ST01 & ST02 with MPIO to ST00 — iSCSI with MPIO
4. install iSCSI target feature on ST01 & ST02

5. add iSCSI disk to Storage in CST.joeschoice.com
a. Open “Failover Cluster Manager”
b. Expand “CST.joeschoice.com” > Expand “Storage” > Right-Click “Disks” > Click “Add Disk”

How to create iSCSI Target Server Cluster
1. Open “Failover Cluster Manager”
2. Expand “CST.joeschoice.com” > Right-Click “Roles” > Click “Configure Role…”
3. In “Select Role” box > Select “iSCSI Target Server” > Click “Next >”
4. In “Client Access Point” > Enter “CST01” in “Name:” and “” under “Address” > Click “Next >”
5. In “Select StoragE” > Select iSCSI disk > Click “Next >”
6. Click “Next >” to start create iSCSI Target Server Role

Verify the CST01’s owner nodes
1. Open “Failover Cluster Manager”
2. Expand “CST.joeschoice.com” > Click “Roles”
3. If “Owner Node” is not “ST01”, Right-Click “CST01” > Select “Move” > Select “Select Node…”
4. In “Move Clustered Role” > Select “ST01” > Click “OK”

How to create iSCSI Virtual Disk on iSCSI Target Server Cluster
1. Open “Server Manager” > Click “File and Storage Services” > Click “Servers” > Select “CST01” > Click “iSCSI”
2. If CST01 does not hold by ST01, we will not be able to create iSCSI Target on ST01. You can move the owner nodes to ST01 or go to ST02 to create iSCSI Target.
3. Click “TASKS” > Select “New iSCSI Virtual Disk…” to create iSCSI virtual disk
4. We also create target name(CST01-target) and allow DB01,DB02,CDB,CDB01 to access

MSSQL Server Cluster
1. It provide highly available on MSSQL Server
2. It is based on Failover Cluster
3. It use Group Managed Service Accounts

Before we create iSCSI Target Server Cluster, we need to
1. create Cluster (CDB) with 2 nodes (DB01, DB02) — Failover Cluster
2. connect DB01,DB02 to CST01 — iSCSI in Windows
3. create group managed service accounts (gMSA-CDB) — Group managed service accounts
4. add iSCSI disk to Storage in CST.joeschoice.com
a. Open “Failover Cluster Manager”
b. Expand “CDB.joeschoice.com” > Expand “Storage” > Right-Click “Disks” > Click “Add Disk”

How to create MSSQL Cluster
1. Insert MSSQL installation disk at DB01
2. In “SQL Server Installation Center”, we click “installation” > click “New SQL Server failover cluster installation”
3. In “Instance Configuration”, we enter “CDB01” in “SQL Server Network Name:”
4. In “Cluster Disk Selection”, we select iSCSI disk
5. In “Cluster Netowkr Configuration”, we select “IPv4” and enter “” in “Address”
6. In “Server Configuration”, we enter group managed service accounts (joechoice\gMSA-CDB$) in “SQL Server Agent” & “SQL Servicer Database Engine” service
7. In “Local Security Policy”, we need to grant group managed service accounts (joechoice\gMSA-CDB$) the following permission: “Log on as a service“, “Replace a process-level token“, “Bypass traverse checking” & “Adjust memory quotas for a process

How to add node to MSSQL Cluster
1. Insert MSSQL installation disk at DB01
2. In “SQL Server Installation Center”, we click “installation” > click “Add node to a SQL failover cluster”
3. In “Cluster Node Configuration”, we select “CDB01”

How to connect to MSSQL Cluster
1. We need to open TCP port 1433 on DB01, DB02

Author: Joe Chan