Group managed service accounts


Service Account
1. It is a user account
2. It provide permission to services
3. It requires DotNet Framework 3.5 Features
4. Only PowerShell with active directory module can create service account
5. The domain administrator or account operators permission is require in creation of service account
6. We need to add service account to local administrator group

Group managed service accounts (gMSA)
1. It supports on Windows Server 2012 or later
2. 64-bit architecture is required
3. It can run over multiple servers
4. The master root key is required
5. The Security group is used for maintain the managing member hosts

How to install Active Directory module
1. Open “PowerShell” with administrator right
2. Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell

How to install DotNet Framework 3.5 Features
1. Insert Windows Installation Disc
2. Using Dism.exe to install, in this example CD-ROM is D:
Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

How to add gMSA into local administrator group
1. Open “Command Prompt” with administrator right
2. net localgroup Administrators <Domain Name>/<gMSA Name> /add

How to create the Key Distribution Services Root Key
1. After we create KDS root key, it need time to replicate to all DC
2. Domain Administrators/Enterprise Administrators permission is required to create KDS root key

How to verify KDS Root Key

How to view KDS Root Key Configuration

How to create gMSA and assign to security group
1. Open “PowerShell” with domain administrator or account operator right

How to create gMSA and assign to PC

How to verify gMSA

Install gMSA on local computer

Verify gMSA on local computer

Uninstall gMSA on local computer

How to delete gMSA

Assign gMSA to specify services
1. Press “Windows” + “R” key to open Run Command Box
2. Enter “services.msc” to open Services snap-in console
3. Right-click service -> “Properties”
4. Select “Log On” tab -> Click “This account” -> Enter “joeschoice\gMSA1$”
5. “Password” must be blank -> Click “OK”
6. Click “Restart the service” to restart service

After change account, Sometime “Log On” tab will become grey.
We will unable to change account.
We can try “sc managedaccount <service name> false” to solve this problem.

Assign gMSA to MS SQL
1. Press “Windows” + “R” key to open Run Command Box
2. Enter “services.msc” to open “Services” snap-in console

3. Right-click “SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)” ->”Properties”
4. Select “Log On” tab -> Click “This account” -> Enter “joeschoice\gMSA1$”
5. Select “General” tab -> Select “Automatic (Delayed Start)” in “Startup type:”
6. “Password” must be blank -> Click “OK”
7. Click “Restart the service” to restart service

8. Right-click “SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)” ->”Properties”
9. Select “Log On” tab -> Click “This account” -> Enter “joeschoice\gMSA1$”
10. Select “General” tab -> Select “Automatic (Delayed Start)” in “Startup type:”
11. “Password” must be blank -> Click “OK”
12. Click “Restart the service” to restart service

13. Press “Windows” + “R” key to open Run Command Box
14. Enter “secpol.msc” to open “Local Security Policy” snap-in console
15. Expend “Local Policies” -> Select “User Rights Assignment”
16. Grant “joeschoice\gMSA1$” the following permission:  “Log on as a service“, “Replace a process-level token“, “Bypass traverse checking” & “Adjust memory quotas for a process

Assign gMSA to IIS
1. Press “Windows” + “R” key to open Run Command Box
2. Enter “Inetmgr.msc” to open IIS Manager
3. Double-click <IIS Server Name> -> double-click “Application Pools”
4. right-click <Pool Name> -> Click “Advanced Settings”
5. Click “…” in “Identity” -> Click “Custom Account” -> Click “Set”
6. Enter “joeschoice\gMSA1$”
7. Click “Stop” under “Application Pool Tasks” -> Click “Start”

Author: Joe Chan

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