Database Mirror


Database Mirroring
1. Datadase’s recovery model must be full
2. It provides a hot standby server and support rapid failover
3. DotNet Framework 3.5 Features is required
4. It uses TCP Endpoint to communicate between different partners

Operating Mode
1. Databse Mirroring has 2 mode:
a. High safely without automatic failover
b. High safely with automatic failover
c. High performation

High Safely without automatic failover
1. It is a default mode
2. Primary server will not commit a transaction, until primary server receive a acknowledge from mirror server
3. It has latency of the transaction since of the wait
4. The data is protected by synchronized between 2 places
5. Manula failover is allowed if all partners are connected and the database is synchronized.

High Safely without automatic failover
1. Primary server will not commit a transaction, until primary server receive a acknowledge from mirror server
2. It has latency of the transaction since of the wait
3. The data is protected by synchronized between 2 places
4. It need a witness server, it does not serve the database
5. It support automatic failover if the database is synchronized and the witness & mirror server remain connected
6. If automatic failover is not available, forcing service might be possible.
7. Forcing service will cause data loss

High performation
1. Only enterprise edition of SQL Server support this mode
2. Primary server commit transactions without waiting for acknowledge from the mirror server
3. This asynchronous operation can minimum transcation latency

Prepare of Database Mirroring
A. Auto-start “SQL Server Agent” at Production & Secondary Server
1. In SQL Server, “Start” > “Micrsoft SQL Sever 2016” > “SQL Server Configuration Manager”
2. Select “SQL Server Services” > Right-Click “SQL Server Agent” > “Properties”
3. Select “Service” tab > change “Start Mode” from “Manual” to “Automatic”

B. Install DotNet Framework 3.5 Features
1. Insert Windows Installation Disc
2. Using Dism.exe to install, in this example CD-ROM is D:
Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

C. Setup Shared Folder
At Shared Folder at Production Server
1. “NT Service\SQLSERVERAGENT” & “NT Service\MSSQLSERVER” have full controll
2. Computer account of Secondary Server have Read ONLY

D. Create Database for lab

Setup Database Mirroring
1. Make a Full and Log Backup on Primary Server

2. Restore Backup on Secondary Server

3. Create Endpoint on Primary Server

4. Create Endpoint on Secondary Server

5. Verify the Endpoint setting
a. Uses “netstat -a” to verify the endpoint’s tcp port whether in listening status
b. Vertify Communication sevrer login account by expend “Security” > “Logins”
c. Vertify endpoint object by expend “Server Objects” > “Endpoints” > “database Mirroring”

7. Create inbound firewall for TCP Port 9011 at Primary Server

8. Create inbound firewall for TCP Port 9022 at Secondary Server

9. Enable mirroring session at Secondary Server

10. Enable mirroring session at Primary Server

Author: Joe Chan